Guidelines and form
Theoretical, empirical and/or practical approach proposals are welcomed according to the Conference topics. The official language of the conference is English, however proposals may be submitted in English or Spanish. Original proposals can be submitted as a full paper + video presentation (option 1) or as an abstract + poster (option 2).
Please note that the submission deadline refers to the submission of the full paper (Option 1) or the abstract + poster (option 2). Revisions are made on the full content as it will later be published in the Conference book of Proceedings.
Accepted submissions will be published in 2025 in a digital Book of Proceedings with ISBN, ISSN and DOI.
1. Proposal submission deadline: February 19 (notification of decision: February 24).
2. Author registration deadline: from September 1 to February 28.
3. Virtual presentation deadline: March 5.
Please, find below the guidelines and submission form to send your proposal to review process. If a proposal is submitted by several authors, only the author in charge of the correspondence will send the form.
Option 1. Paper (+ video presentation)
- Between 1500 and 2500 words.
- Paper should not exceed 5 pages including title, authors’ names, affilitations, keywords and references. Please, find here a template: .doc
- Structure: Title, authors’ names, affiliations, 150-200 words abstract, 3 to 5 keywords, introduction, body of the paper, tables and figures placed where they belong, conclusion, references (APA 7th ed.), and acknowledgments (if applicable).
- Images included in the paper should preferably be elaborated by the authors or have the usage rights. In both cases, images must appear correctly cited (author, year and source). The resolution of the images will be 96ppp.
- Presentation: papers will be asynchronously presented through an individual forums system during the Conference days. Please, find further information on video presentation HERE
Option 2. Abstract (+ poster)
- Abstract will have between 250 and 300 words, 3 to 5 keywords and references (APA 7th ed.). It will be presented in .doc or .odt format. Please, find here a template: .doc
- Abstract will be accompained by a second document in .pdf format with a single slide (40 x 30 cm) containing the title, authors’ names, affiliation, introduction, body and conclusions. Please, find here a template .pptx
- Images included in the poster should preferably be elaborated by the authors or have the usage rights. In both cases, images must appear correctly cited (author, year and source). The resolution of the images will be 96ppp.
- Please note that abstract and poster will be sent as two different files (.doc and .pdf) in the same submission form.
Please, send your proposal to the conference email address civae.arts[at] with the following information:
- Full name
- Affiliation and country
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